2023 Recap

We saw the need to create a safe and affirming space dedicated to learning about the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals related to housing. We want to center the housing experiences of people who identify as LGBTQ+ and to come together, as a community, to explore solutions to the housing crisis.

In August 2023, we held the inaugural Queer Housing Summit at the Tower Theater Lounge in Fresno, CA and virtually. We had presentations about storytelling and community land trusts. We had panel discussions about disability justice and organizing tenants’ unions. Via a design workshop we explored how a community owned block in Tower could develop with a Queer vision. During the lunch break we served a fierce drag show! 

The event was a huge success thanks to 16 planning team members, 14 sponsors, 9 speakers, 5 performers. Though, this is not an issue that can be solved in one event and we're just getting started.

See the visual notes below that were illustrated live by Alfred Twu.