Proud Sponsors

Queen Tier

  • Housing Now!


  • SAGE


  • South Tower Community Land Trust


Equity Tier

  • Access Plus Capital


  • Kresge Foundation


  • Fresno City Council President Annalisa Perea


Ally Tier

  • Fresno Housing


  • Community Vision


  • Beneficial State Bank


  • Central Valley Community Foundation


  • Tenants Together

    California tenants are disproportionately LGBTQ+. Tenants Together works for safe, stable homes with dignity for all tenants, free from harassment and threats of displacement.

  • Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission

    Fresno EOC's LGBTQ+ Resource Center provides supportive services to enhance the health and well being of individuals of all ages in the LGBTQ+ community. Serving all individuals in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, queer, HIV, and questioning community members in the Fresno County area.

  • Central Valley Black Reparations Fund

    The Central Valley Black Reparations Fund is an initiative aimed at addressing historical injustices and providing reparations to Black residents in California’s Central Valley. The fund aligns with broader efforts to acknowledge the harms of slavery and systemic racism.

  • CMAC

    CMAC’s mission is to empower voices in the community to promote awareness, understanding, dialogue and civic engagement by providing media resources, access to training, and broadening media literacy.

  • UPholdings

    As a housing developer and manager, UPholdings is dedicated to fostering inclusive and supportive environments for the LGBTQ+ community. For over twenty years we have built housing for vulnerable members of our society, and in recognition of the systemic and harsh realities sometimes present for our queer neighbors, we actively ensure that our developments embrace diversity and provide safe, welcoming spaces for all individuals, regardless of their identity.

  • Southwest Fresno Development Corporation


  • OUT Against Big Tobacco Central Valley

    The Out Against Big Tobacco Central Valley (OABT-CV) Coalition, supported by Equality California Institute, is an alliance of LGBTQ+ individuals and community organizations collectively working to address tobacco control and health inequity issues within California’s LGBTQ+ community. Our focus is on promoting health equity and reducing tobacco-related health consequences through education and local policy ordinances. Together we’re addressing health disparities in our community, and are working towards implementing these changes throughout California’s Central Valley region and statewide.

Make Space Tier

  • Hidalgo Neighborhood Community Development Corporation


  • WestCare Ca., Inc./The Living Room

    Our program was created as a "Place to belong" for all. We are committed to remaining an inclusive, safe space for our LGBTQ+ community. We are proud to advocate and continually seek out opportunities to expand/meet the needs of this community.